Psychological Capital

Does your organization have psychological capital?

While you are likely aware of your organization’s financial capital, are you aware that psychological capital is also important?

The four pillars of psychological capital are hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism (HERO). These four pillars of psychological capital have been linked to both job satisfaction and life satisfaction. In fact, strong psychological capital may provide a significant competitive advantage in all areas of life!

Hope: People with high hope put forth more effort in working towards their goals than those with low hope. They exhibit more creativity and adaptability in meeting their goals.

Efficacy: Efficacy refers to a person’s confidence in their own ability to determine an outcome or overcome challenges.

Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back after a difficult event. We all experience set-backs, but after falling down, a resilient person knows how to brush off their knees and give it another go.

Optimism: Optimists believe that good things will happen! Optimism allows people to be motivated even when things get hard.

All of these pillars of psychological capital are linked, and boosting one can elevate others as well. When all four elements of psychological capital are strong, potential is maximized and you can become happy and healthier, both at work and in your personal life.

How quickly do you move forward after a negative experience? Do you believe that you are the author of your own story or are you a passive recipient of luck or fate? Developing even one of these four areas can have a positive effect. Interested in creating a better workplace or increasing your own psychological capital?  I am here to help!

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